wanted to do a color unit with my boys. I wanted to do experiments and read
books but also wanted to take it all a little further. So…I grabbed all my books that had
to do with color and combed Pinterest for ideas!
I had
my books.
I had my ideas.
Now, I needed resources. So, I created some to go along
with each activity or experiment.
I have
a 5 and 8 year old, my resources have to be for several ages.
I am so happy
with how this unit turned out. The unit includes the steps and supply list for all the activities in this post.
It can be easily differentiated for grades PreK
through 3rd.
We had
a blast reading about and experimenting with color.
it all out below!
Color Wheel
We started off learning about the color wheel.
Max loved the color wheel, he even turned his modeling clay into the color wheel.
For our next activity we read the book, Mouse Paint by Ellen Walsh.
I like this book because it shows a chameleon
wanting the parts of many different animals of all colors. This book has a
great lesson!
I have a lot of activities that go along with this story and experiment in my unit... but this directed drawing was one of our favorites!
Color Mixing Spinners
I loved this activity! So many discussions and problem solving came from this experiment!
Color spreading
We used oil pastels for this project.
They are so fun to use! |