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July 28, 2015

Sit Spots are AWESOME! So is a GIVEAWAY!!

 I have fell in love with Sit Spots and I can’t wait for my students to see them this year, the possibilities are endless! I read about Sit Spots in a blog post by 2nd Grade Snickerdoodles, I headed over to the Sit Spot website where I discovered you can get a free sample to make sure the Sit Spots will work in your classroom. I quickly ordered my sample. A few days later I had it and loved it! Next, I ordered my own, THAT WAS VERY DIFFICULT (there are so many shapes and colors to choose from)! I settled on circles in a few bright colors. I also ordered 5 stars; I will use these for my DATA stars (great gains, high scores, most improved, worked hard, etc.). 

My Sit Spots came in the mail last week, I opened them right away to check them out (my boys even had a great time playing with them at home).


 I have placed them in my classroom, not in any particular arrangement yet BUT so far I love them. They have been vacuumed over, had chairs drug over them, and my boys have pulled them up and put them down TONS already! 
Please excuse the stains on the carpet our school is very old.

Enter the Giveaway below for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Sit Spots! Just follow the steps. GoOd LuCk!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

July 11, 2015


Does anybody have filing cabinets full of files?
I DID, I had THREE!! 
I worked this summer and took home all my files.
1. I cleaned them out!
2. I got rid of everything I hadn’t used in a year!
3.  I got rid of everything that I had copies of on my computer.
Here is what my files looked like before!

My files are SO much smaller!
This will be so nice when I am pulling for next year!
This is what I did next!
1.  I made adorable & EDITABLE binder labels. 
I have 11 different options in my store ! 
Check out all the themes below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


2.   I sorted all my files by what I taught each month.
I put each group in page protectors! 
Most of my groups fit fine in regular sheet protectors.
I found a great deal on sheet protectors at Amazon!

Some of my groups needed more room so I bought the expandable sheet protectors. They sell them on Amazon but I found them cheaper at my local Office Max.

July 8, 2015

Erin Condren Planner

Thanks to one of my teacher friends for introducing me to these       Erin Condren Planners!
I cant wait to get mine in the mail!!
Click on the FABULOUS Planner below to get $10 OFF!! Just check your email after!

July 1, 2015

Make Your Masterpiece

Make Your Masterpiece #TPTSellerChallenge
Week #3

The challenge is to create a new product. I created the Math Folder Friend. I combined all the sheets I already use in one handy, engaging folder! I cant wait to use these with my class next year! I also posted some previews :) Head over to my TPT store to see the full preview.